The Beauty There Is In SLEEP
People need to sleep 8 hours a day. This significant time to rest renews and repairs the body from stress and exhaustion, restoring it to a fresh vitality in the morning.
But do not be dismayed, a healthy body respond to stimulus. If a person is thirsty he will go get a drink. If a person is hungry he will crave for food. The normal thing is that if the body is tired it will lay to take a sweet slumber. But there are people who could not even be lull to sleep. Before you take any substance consider the following suggestion which can help you get to sleep .
8 Natural Ways to Aid to Sleep
1. Bathe. Take a warm bath this will soothe you. When your body is clean and feels light you can relax and this will aid to a restful sleep.
2. Air Temperature. If it is humid in the room you will find it difficult to sleep because of irritating perspiration. When body perspires your metabolism is working fast and therefore your body is setting to work not relax. It is okay to perspire when you are working out but if you are about to sleep our bodies respond to relaxing when the temperature is cool. Turn on the air conditioner and adjust it to the coolness you feel good to unwind.
3. Empty your bladder so you will not be standing up to go to the toilet just before you are at the point of falling into sleep. It is so frustrating that sometimes we have to do this when we are almost there to reach to our blissful sleep. Sometimes it is even harder to get to sleep with a sudden awakening. So be sure to drink water at least 1 hour before going to bed and empty your bladder just before going to sleep.
4. Listen to relaxing music. There are those you find it soothing when they listen to music of relaxation. Find out if it works for you then take the time to unwind relax by listening to music that can induce you to sleep.
5. Don’t Force yourself to sleep. When you lay down at night time and having trouble sleeping, you will only get depress changing from one position to another looking at the time and still could not sleep. Then don’t force yourself to sleep. Try to do little things not to the point of exhaustion, because our bodies and mind will not go to sleep when we are so exhausted. It will take time to tone down a bit till you are able to relax and eventually sleep. Therefore what do you do? You can read and write a little perhaps on your journal and when your thoughts are continuously flowing and just keep on writing when you finish it, lay down, you feel will feel that your mind will automatically take its toil to produce a relaxation stage until you are able to sleep.
One time I was not able to sleep at all and it is 6:00 in the morning. So instead of just laying down I rose up prepared the breakfast and ate, drank the water and when up stair. I did some more little chores and just before I am about to finish it I instantly and effortlessly fell asleep. I woke up at 11:00 am. I need not worry that my husband and children have nothing to eat in the morning because I have already prepared it. I don’t fret about that few hours of sleep for me it was a good sleep. By the night time I was able to sleep naturally.
6. If you have a chronic sleep problem drink Calli Night by Sunrider it contains combination of natural herb to help people get to sleep. I tried it, and can absolutely say it did aid me to sleep. Before drinking Calli Night, was the night I was not able to sleep the other night. Did I get insane on the straight 24+ hours of wide awake? No I am just as relax as before but my mind is kind of light and dull because of lack of sleep. But when I drank the Calli Night I went to sleep naturally. When I got the natural pattern of sleeping I was able to sleep well on the nights that followed without any other aid at all.
7. Seek Professional Help. Sleeping is a natural course that human needs in order to go on living. If you still have difficulty in sleeping after doing certain regimen seek professional help. They are in a position to tell some medical advise you may need to undergo to help you get a good sleep.
8. Lastly Pray. Pour out your soul to God “he knows the fall of sparrow surely hears the pleading of our hearts.” Because He created us he completely knows our ordeals and knows how to manage and succor us. Pray that your mind will be clear and get to relax until you are able to get to sleep. Thank Him because you are awake and aware. Ask him to help you sleep and awake the following morning. It is better to be awake than sleep and never to wake at all. So thank Him for everything and ask if you need help. It was He who said “ Ask and you shall receive…”.
Now, may you get a beautiful sleep and wake refresh and ready to work. ©Beautiful Life
Is it available here in Pinas? I've been battling insomnia for as long as I can remember. Thanks!